Monday, May 7, 2007

Ode to Mom 世上只有媽媽好?!

Lately I have been trying to encourage my mom to move with the times and learn internet surfing. Her resistance is a blessing in disguise since she will not (yet) be able to read what I am going to write about her here.

Cooking a nice meal for the family is a common thing most mothers do everyday, but in my family this is one of a few limited ways affection is shown. I have learned to accept this with great appreciation and not take a decent meal for granted. And why not since mom's cooking is the best in the world (isn't it always?!).

Broad beans are in season so tonight mom whipped up her famous Shanghainese-style green bean dish with green onion and a litte bit of sugar. She used to do a mashed version but nowadays does only a skin-less version. Perhaps the beans are not pretty in presentation, but they are soft and sweet when warm, and are a great snack with congee when cold. Plus, they ain't greasy like what you get in restaurants. Comfort food that is healthy, what a concept.

The dish reminds me of my beloved grandma too. Her version was simply the best that I have ever had, and she would cook it for me whenever I wanted as a child. Grandma always left the skins on. While instant gratification is great sometimes, there is just more texture and fun eating through the skins because of the tasty gravy that gets trapped in between.

Forget about restaurants and their fancy presentations. The best food in this world only needs to be cooked with love.

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